Tuesday, October 13, 2009

LaToya Jackson Voted My Stupid Cunt of the Year

Ok, let's see, it seems I've got an opinion about most things and LaToya Jackson has been voted my 'Stupid Cunt of the Year' award.

Why? Let's see...maybe it's because we're all supposed to believe Michael Jackson is dead when he's been video taped and seen elsewhere. THEN, she comes out of the woodwork and gives an interview. I'll post it on here.

What's wrong with the interview? Let's see...In it she said she'd do anything to help... Is that anything as in help cover his death?

I mean, LaToya, if you're going to give a fuckin' interview, how about put some past tense to his demise and how about saying things in such a way we're supposed to believe it???

I'll let you see for yourself how she gave the interview and then, you'll see what I mean.


UPDATED: La Toya Jackson: Michael Wouldn't Have Been Happy With 'This Is It' FilmAccess Hollywood

- October 13, 2009 2:49 PM PDT

celebs:La Toya Jackson Michael Jackson.


Hollywood LOS ANGELES, Calif. --

La Toya Jackson is pleased to hear her late brother Michael Jackson's return to the airwaves with his "new" single, "This Is It," but she says Michael would not be happy about the release of the documentary of the same name.

"It's wonderful to hear something from him because he hasn't had anything out in awhile," La Toya told Access Hollywood on Monday night of the King of Pop's new single, which was released on Monday.

But when it comes to the "This Is It" documentary slated to hit theaters on October 28, La Toya - who has been working as Access Hollywood's guest correspondent during coverage of "Dancing With the Stars" - said her late brother would not be pleased with the final product being put on display.

"Do you think he would've wanted this released?" Access asked her.

"You know what, that's a very, very, very good question," La Toya said. "Truthfully, my opinion - no," she revealed. "Michael always wants [wanted] to to give his best. This is [was] a rehearsal. He wasn't giving his all. He loves [loved] to give his all always. That's just the way he is [was]. He wants [wanted] people to see him at the top of the ladder and not half-stepping because he doesn't [didn't] want to do a full-out rehearsal."

Nevertheless, La Toya said she would still give her full support to the film.

"I will support my brother in any way I can," she added. "I love him."

[I supported him anyway I could. I loved him.]

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